Assessor Feedback Forms
NOTE: Assessors, please ensure you download your own copy of the forms to your PC to work on. To do this, double click to open the document, select file, save as, and save to your own device. It is recommended you use 'spell check' when editing within the assessment forms. You will need to regularly check you have the latest forms, available here:
(Note: Please download your own copy)
Here are some instructions to change the Yes / No on the assessment summary to a Yes.
Please remember to put the space in after the Yes and before the No, exactly as it is written in the assessment summary.
If you are completing a DSN assessment summary do not forget to put the NA in the box also or the computer will not recognise the change.
Ctrl H
Yes / No (there is a space after yes and before no) in the 'Find What'
Write Yes in the 'Replace with' box
then select
replace all
Assessor Further Evidence Template
Assessment Notes template (for further evidence).pdf
Canterbury Assessors: if you would like to assess a portfolio on site at Manawa, please contact us at
Assessor Moderation Process
Te Kahui Kokiri Matanga - Moderation Process.pdf
Become a PDRP Assessor
All assessors must have already successfully completed a portfolio at RN/EN proficient or expert / accomplished or Designated Senior Nurse (DSN) level.
Important New Assessor Information
If you are interested in becoming an assessor with Te Kāhui Kōkiri Mātanga PDRP please have a conversation with your line manager, then email the PDRP team on with your intention and nomination information
BEFORE you begin the 4098 course with Open Polytechnic.
This training gives education on assessment against Nursing Council competencies and direction for your assignment.
Requirements and Responsibilities of an Assessor
- Complete a minimum of 8 portfolios per year.
- Develop and maintain current knowledge of relevant issues, trends and practices relating to the PDRP.
- Promote and enhance the PDRP and its processes.
- Complete a 4098 Workplace Assessor course or equivalent NZQA course (see below for open polytechnic course outline).
- Ensure confidentiality is maintained throughout and after completion of assessment process, and ensure portfolios are kept in a secure and private area during the assessment process.
- Attend at least one PDRP assessor update per year and maintain current knowledge of relevant PDRP assessor information supplied by the programme or the Health NZ Te Whatu Ora region you are associated with.
- Attain and maintain a minimum Proficient level on PDRP for Registered and Enrolled Nurses. Senior Nursing assessors (e.g. NE/CNS) will attain and maintain Designated Senior Nurse level reflecting the competencies required for nurses involved in management, education, policy or research as well as meeting the requirements of their position description within the competencies of practice.
Selection Criteria and Nomination Process
- Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses will be recognised for their knowledge, skill and expertise.
- Commitment to the PDRP within their area of practice.
- Respect and credibility from their peers/colleagues.
- Commitment to their own education and professional development.
- A nomination form is completed by a colleague or peer.
Nomination form:

- Nominee agrees with being nominated and completes their section of the form.
- Nursing Line Manager/Professional Advisor signs the nomination form and agrees to facilitating the assessors release as required.
- PDRP Coordinator reviews nomination forms and may complete reference check.
- Please print Assessor Nomination form, complete and return the form to the organisation and regional PDRP office
New Assessor Training - The Open Polytechnic course outline
The Open Polytechnic has a free online course (OP4098) which you can access and complete to be a PDRP Assessor. This course has an assessment component for you to complete. Please contact your PDRP regional office to arrange a portfolio to be sent to you for your assessment assignment for this course.
- The Open Polytechnic course equates to 60 hours of learning.
- Trainee Assessors will develop and apply knowledge and skills in preparing their learners for assessment.
- You will also develop skills in reflective practice and gain an understanding of assessment processes including post-assessment processes.
- You will also develop skills in reflective practice and gain an understanding of assessment processes including post-assessment processes.
- You will develop a learner-centre approach to assessment practice including preparing for assessment, making quality assessment decisions and providing effective and appropriate feedback.
- You will have access to learning mentors to help with the course and to student learning support via Open Polytechnic.
- Following the successful completion of the OP4098 course a face to face education session with the PDRP coordinator will be arranged from your Health NZ Te Whatu Ora regional area. This face to face session may be individualised to you or as a more formalised study day depending on Health NZ Te Whatu Ora requirements. You will be guided through an assessment of a portfolio against the Nursing Council NZ competencies to enhance your learning, having the opportunity to ask questions, discuss the assessment process and assessment summary writing. This will involve ePortfolio training on assessment.
- For Regional Partnering Organisations (Non-Canterbury area) see your PDRP Coordinator for your Health NZ Te Whatu Ora regions instructions and support services.