Care Capacity Demand Management (CCDM): Safe Staffing, Healthy Workplaces is a programme run in partnership with Te Whatu Ora, Waitaha Canterbury, the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO), the Public Service Association (PSA) and the Midwifery Employee Representation and Advisory Service (MERAS).
CCDM is about better matching staff resources to patient demand to improve patient care, support a healthy and sustainable work environment and make best use of health resources.
CCDM workstreams
The CCDM programme has four main components with an over-arching governance structure:
- Patient Acuity - staff use a validated acuity software tool, TrendCare, for inputting data on the intensity of nursing or midwifery care required by a patient, for each shift, so we have a clear view of the patient acuity demands for every ward and area.
- Core Data Set – reviewing how well we're doing against specific measures around quality patient care, a quality work environment and making best use of health resources.
- FTE Calculation looking at full-time equivalent (FTE) and skill mix requirements.
- Variance Response Management or forecasting and responding to daily demand.
Having accurate data through TrendCare means we have clear, real-time information on whether areas need added support and how that may be provided, and in the long term, that we have robust and transparent information on patient needs and staff capacity trends to work out where we need our resources. The data TrendCare captures will help the organisation with calculating nursing and midwifery FTE, recommended skill mix, forecasting for staffing needs, and rostering profiles.
CCDM is governed by a Council made up of senior Waitaha district leaders and union representatives, with working groups of staff and union representatives contributing to variance response management, core data set and FTE calculation workstreams, and an acuity and workforce management steering group helping implement TrendCare. Local data councils also work on the core data set and quality improvement initiatives. The CCDM governance councils (organisation and ward/unit) ensure that care capacity demand management is planned, coordinated and appropriate for staff and patients. If you are interested in joining a working group or data council please talk to your manager.
Background to CCDM
Safe staffing is a national priority, as agreed to in the Government's accord signed with the Nursing and Midwifery Unions and all Districts (formally DHBs) in 2018. Read more about the background to the Safe Staffing Healthy Workplace Unit that developed the national CCDM programme. This has been widely adopted by Te Whatu Ora and following the 2018 MECA agreement for nursing and midwifery staff this is a mandated program.