Postgraduate Nursing Education

Who Are We

Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora Canterbury (formerly CDHB) administers funded scholarships for postgraduate nursing certificates, diplomas and masters qualifications for nurses in the Canterbury Health System.

Each year approximately 200 Canterbury nurses are undertaking nursing workforce postgraduate funded courses. 

Postgraduate Study

Postgraduate nursing study is designed to prepare nurses to meet the challenges of a changing Canterbury healthcare environment and to provide enhancement of individual nursing practice. It is a commitment to both personal and professional development.

Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP) 

The Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP) commences mid-year and is a 12 month nursing acceleration programme which provides extended learning and experience for Registered Nurses working with our older adult population. 
This programme provides the opportunity for nurses to participate in clinical rotations which may include acute medical or surgical, older persons' health and aged residential care settings, in conjunction with postgraduate education to enhance participant's knowledge, skills and understanding of the older persons journey through the care continuum.
If you have any queries please direct these to Rebecca Heyward,

Nurse Practitioner Training Program (NPTP)

Details of the NPTP can be found on the following link, along with the application form and eligibility for the Programme:
The website contains a section that discusses "How to get Ready for the NPTP" and a self-audit clinical readiness tool that we strongly recommend is completed prior to application

Universities participating in the NPTP in 2024 are the University of Auckland, Massey University, University of Otago, Victoria University of Wellington and University of Waikato.

Nursing Workforce Postgraduate Funding

There is one funding round per year for the following academic year's study. Funding is available for payment of course registration fees, and a contribution towards study release and compulsory study blocks. 

Funding is not paid directly to the trainee. Further information is available in the Funding Policy document below.

Before applying please ensure that you meet the funding eligibility requirements:

  • Health New Zealand and Pegasus Health nurses must have successfully completed PDRP (Health New Zealand designated senior nurses exempt).

  • All applicants must be registered as a nurse or a nurse practitioner under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003)

  • Work 0.5 FTE or greater

  • Hold a current Annual Practicing Certificate (APC) with no restrictions on that APC that would negatively impact on their ability to participate in the programme

  • Be currently employed as a registered nurse by a health service that is funded by Health New Zealand or the Ministry of Health (Manatū Hauora)

  • Be a New Zealand citizen or hold a New Zealand residency permit as conferred by the New Zealand Immigration Service

  • Have evidence of support by their current employer to meet the training requirements

  • Meet the entry criteria required by the education provider

Nursing Education Fairs

Every year, around August, the Postgraduate Nursing Education Office runs Education Fairs with Tertiary Education Providers to provide an overview of educational programmes offered at undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well as highlighting what Nursing Workforce Postgraduate funding/study assistance is available. 

Nursing Education Fairs will be advertised here and via internal communication.

Career Planning

​Career planning is the process of formulating career goals and identifying the steps and resources needed to achieve these goals. It is an on-going future-focussed professional pathway and not limited to specific jobs.

Career planning support is available from your line manager, nurse educator, senior nursing colleagues, Postgraduate Nursing Coordinator and mentors. It is important that formal discussions take place with your line manager regarding your career aspirations, strengths and development needs. 

Child Health Acceleration Programme (CHAP)

The Child Health Accelerated Programme (CHAP) focuses on enhancing professional development for RNs working within Child Health in the Canterbury District Health Board​ by providing clinical experience through rotations to other clinical areas within child health, access to mentor support, the opportunity of postgraduate education and participation in PDRP.

Postgraduate Forum

This group meets quarterly and is responsible for setting the strategic direction for postgraduate nursing education for the Canterbury region. The group consists of representatives from Health New Zealand | Canterbury, Tertiary Education providers, NGO organisations, and others involved in postgraduate nursing education.​

Contact Us:

Postgraduate Nursing Education
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Related Documents

Nursing Workforce Postgraduate Funding
The funding round for the
2025 academic year is now closed.

Ara Graduate (Level 7) Course Funding

The funding round for the 2025 academic year is now closed.

Child Health Acceleration Programme (CHAP)

The funding round for the 2025 academic year is now closed.

 Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP)

The GAP funding round for
2025-2026 is now open
Apply here
Applications close Friday 21 March
For any queries please contact:

Travel subsidy reimbursement 

You will be advised in your
funding acceptance letter
if you have approval to
claim this subsidy.
The DEADLINE to submit a travel reimbursement claim is
no later than 1 week after the end of the relevant semester
Travel Reimbursement process.pdf

Tertiary Education Providers

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Page last reviewed: 18 February 2025