This page has been set up to support Aged Residential Care (ARC) to access links relevant for the development and support of ARC nursing staff.
Please utilise the links below to find the relevant information
Te Kāhui
Kōkiri Mātanga PDRP is a regional programme which aligns with the Nursing Council of New Zealand's competency framework. This programme support your staff with developing a portfolio demonstrating their level of expertise and experience. If your facility does not have a PDRP programme and you would like more information around this, please click on the link above, or contact the Nurse Coordinator for ARC as per the details below.
Postgraduate nursing study is designed to prepare nurses to meet the challenges of a changing Canterbury healthcare environment and to provide enhancement of individual nursing practice. It is a commitment to both personal and professional development with a range of tertiary education providers to choose from. Refer to the link above for funding opportunities.
The Gerontology Acceleration Programme (GAP) is a 12-month nursing acceleration programme which provides extended learning and experience for nurses working with our gerontology population. This programme provides the opportunity for nurses to participate in clinical rotations through medical, rehabilitation and aged residential care facilities, in conjunction with postgraduate education to enhance their knowledge, skills and understanding of the older persons journey through the care continuum.
HealthLearn is a South Island online learning platform which provides significant numbers of courses that will support staff learning. The range of courses are diverse and cover extensive potential mandatory training options i.e. infection control, medication safety,
HealthLearn requires a Memorandum of Understanding. Details around this can be found using the link above.

New Zealand's Nursing Entry to Practice Programme (NETP) enables nursing graduates to begin their careers well-supported, safe, skilled and confident in their clinical practice, equipped for further learning and professional development, meeting the needs of health and disability support service users and employers. Support can be provided for ARC facilities who have newly graduated nurses, or for those thinking of employing a newly graduated nurse into their facility. For more information around this please contact the Nurse Coordinator for Nursing Workforce Development in ARC.
Eldernet provides: a daily bed vacancy status
report of all residential care facilities in the Canterbury District Health
Board (CDHB) region and other useful information.
There are two options for viewing the report: either on a map or, a spreadsheet
format that can be printed out for your convenience. Clicking through to a
facility shows additional information. For more information please click the above link.
‘Where from Here’ is
a free A5 size publication providing essential information for older people
including residential and other care options. Copies can be obtained from NASC,
Social Workers or Eldernet (
or 0800 162 706). It is also online at
Contact Information
For more information about any of the programmes outlined above please contact: