Manawa Simulation Centre floor plan

Rooms can be configured to meet variety of training needs.
Ward Environment Room: 222 and 222A Ward area can be divided into two sections. The dividing partition slides out and can be used as a whiteboard. | Seating Capacity - 222: 4 ward beds
- 222A: 5 examination beds
| Facilities - 222A has AV capabilities and simulation control room.
- 222 has a separate medication room.
- Simulated oxygen & suction
Room: 223 Designed to deliver CPR training or skills stations | Seating Capacity - 6 bed bays
- Resuscitaires and cot
| Facilities - Simulated oxygen & suction
- Whiteboard
- Full resuscitation equipment and manikins can be found in the sim store room attached.
Operating Theatre Room: 202 Can be utilised as an OT containing an overhead lighting unit. | Seating capacity - A theatre bed or a maximum of 4 beds space
- Resuscitaire
| Facilities - Simulated oxygen and suction.
- Theatre environment with an overhead lightning unit
- AV capabalities and simulation control room.
- departmental sims.
- Two control rooms are linked between OT and PACU to deliver more complex inter-departmental sims.
PACU/ICU/ED Room: 207 Environment designed for trauma. ICU or PACU simulations
| Seating capacity - Maximum of 5 beds space
- ED bed
- Resuscitaire
| Facilities- Simulated oxygen and suction.
- AV capabalities and simulation control room.
- departmental sims.
- Two control rooms are linked between OT and PACU to deliver more complex inter-departmental sims
Flexi Skills Room: 201 This space will be used for task training equipment such as cannulation, catheterisation, suturing, physical assessments etc. | Seating capacity
| Facilities- Tables & chairs available
- Screen & presentation available
Teaching rooms Room: 213,215,216,221 Four small teaching rooms that could be used for simulation debriefs and OSCE assessments etc
| Seating capacity
| Facilities- Tables & chairs available
- Screen & presentation available
- Hand basin (Room 221 & 216)
- Virtual Reality technology (Room 215)
Home Environment Room: 217 A studio with ensuite and non-fuctioning kitchenette designed for simulations occuring in community/home environment eg. Midwifery, District Nursing, Mental health nursing etc. |
| Facilities- Double bed
- Arm chair
- Shower, toilet & sink
- Kitchenette (non-fuctioning)
For room bookings please use this form.