IV, cannula and venepuncture Endorsement

​IV/Medication Safety Link Role in Endorsements

With the change in the IV/Medication Link Role in 2020, as well as the IV link staff retaining this role, the  following staff are also able to endorse CVAD, Cannulation and Venepuncture. This ensures that IV/Medication Safety Staff are able to have more time to perform the other roles and responsibilities in their remit.

The following staff are also able to endorse colleagues (where they themselves are endorsed in the procedure and are performing to best practice standards).

  • Educators
  • Preceptors
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • ACNMs
  • Coordinators
  • Clinical Managers

Recertification and endorsement roles

Recertification will be abolished.  The current direction as at  December 2020  is that any IV link staff member who currently holds certification can continue to endorse staff without completing recertificaiton.  Current staff are still required to attend an update day now that the role has changed. These will occur over 6 one day sessions in 2021.  Book yourselves into this day using the IV/Medication Safety Education Day page.

Endorsement updates

Organisation policy will dictate the process for endorsement of staff in CVAD, Cannulation and Venepuncture. CDHB policies can be found on the edu.cdhb.health site or on the CDHB internal intranet site.

A new development to communicate in 2020/21 is the involvement of Students of Nursing in venepuncture training.  This will allow students to be more work ready when they enter their chosen field as nurse graduates.

The following documents outline the process for students with associated sign off documents for your information

Venepuncture Skills Pathway for Students.docx

Skills Attainment form for students draft.docx



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Page last reviewed: 31 December 2020