Nursing Research

Nursing research is the scientific foundation that underpins and informs evidence based practice, enabling nurses to deliver the highest quality of care. 

Nurses are natural innovators. For some, this curiosity will lead them onto postgraduate studies that involves a research project, dissertation, thesis, PhD, or even research beyond postgraduate study. 

Nursing innovation through research embarks on making tangible, informed change to our current healthcare challenges and contributes to advancements in clinical practice, policy, and legislation. 

Research isn't about reciting facts, but instead it's about what the world looks like to you through your lens, and investigating the questions you can see; every research project starts with an idea. 

From the most famous innovator within nursing, Florence Nightingale, to the most recent nursing researchers making impactful COVID findings here in Waitaha, your research could also help inform practice or change national health direction.

If you are a nurse based in Canterbury or West Coast and would like to know more about nursing research, or would like support with your research, please read below.

Upcoming Events: 

  • Health NZ Nursing Research Café - 25th July - see below for more details)
  • Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase - 2024 (see below for more details)

Site Contents:

  • Where to start
  • Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance
  • Research Idea's and Priorities 
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Education Opportunities
  • Health NZ Research Café
  • Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase
  • Useful Links
  • Contact Us
  • Location of Research Nurse Coordinator

Where to start

It's fantastic that you are interested in research and we look forward to supporting you in your research journey. 

If you have a research idea already then we would be happy to support you with this. If you're still deciding your research path, we would be happy to support you with this too. Below in our Research Ideas and Priorities section are research ideas that have been brought together by the Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance. 

For postgraduate students, we suggest working out which academic institution you would like to study through. Links to academic institutions can be found at the top right of this webpage. You can contact nursing programmes if you need further information about their research programmes. 

For nurses who are wanting to research outside of postgraduate study, in the Funding Opportunities section there is information about external scholarships to support this endeavour. 

Once you have enrolled or chosen your research path, this article by the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal gives a great summary of: 

  1. Developing a research question
  2. Developing a research plan
  3. Conduct the study
  4. Translating into practice and evaluating

Finally, remember that all research that is conducted within Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora must be supported by the Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office. This team provides support in gaining locality authorisation (approval to conduct research at your chosen Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora area), Māori consultation, ethics approval and more. 

Please reach out to the Research Nurse Coordinator if you have any further questions.

Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance

Originally established in 2019, this group was developed to support nursing research that is facilitated within the Canterbury health system. 

We hope that by restarting this group at the end of 2023 we can collaboratively drive the advancement of health care outcomes of our patient, whānau, and nursing workforce through scientifically rigorous research evidence. 

Ultimately, this group aims to develop a centre for nursing research that can both support nurses through their research (whether that is through postgraduate study or via other avenues) and promotes nursing research to go forward to inform health policy and practice. 

The Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance is made up representatives from Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, local academic institutions, and other local health provides; ensuring representation across the Canterbury health system.

For more information on this group, please see the Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance - Terms of Reference June 2024.pdf


Research Ideas & Priorities 

If you are interested in a research project but unsure what direction to take, below is a document that lists research priorities that have been developed by the Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance. 

These research topics will benefit the Canterbury health system as they are seen as contemporary local or national areas that influence nursing and would benefit from further investigation. 

It is hoped that as research is undertaken and the topics continue to be further explored by nursing researchers we will gain further understanding into these areas.

Please discuss any topic that interests you with your supervisor or the Nurse Coordinator for Research. 

Document Under Construction - please email

Funding Opportunities 

Research can be funded through one or more of these sources: 

  • Self funded
  • Work/Organisation funded
  • Scholarship
  • Nursing Workforce postgraduate funding 

Below you'll find more information on traditional scholarships and Nursing Workforce Postgraduate funding. 

The following document summarises a 2024 list of scholarships from external companies and agencies that you may be able to apply for. Please click on the link to see more information and contact the relevant scholarship party directly for more information about their scholarship:

Funding Opportunities For Nursing Research.pdf

The following link is a list of external scholarships summarised by the Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office. Please click on the link to see more a variety of scholarships and contact the relevant scholarship party directly for more information about their scholarship:

Link: Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office - Funding

Nursing Workforce Postgraduate funding:
For more information on the application process for the Nursing Workforce Postgraduate Funding please see the Postgraduate Nursing Education webpage.

Link: Postgraduate Nursing Education webpage

Emerging Researcher Grants:
The Emerging Research Grants are a new initiative, aimed at people who are new to research. Currently five grants of $20,000 are available each year. These grants are managed by the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation. Please see the following link to find information about the 2024 grant round.

Link: Emerging Researcher Grants

Education Opportunities

In collaboration with Academic partners, we aim to bring you education sessions that are relevant to your research journey. Topics and dates will be listed shortly. Zoom links will also be made available. 

Health NZ Nursing Research Café

The aim of the Health NZ Nursing Research Café is to be a space where nursing researchers can come together and be a support network for each other. This will be a place for individuals to exchange ideas and touch base with others who are facing similar challenges. It can also be a place where you can practice talking about your research.

The times and locations of the Research Café are below in the below table. 

Please contact the Research Nurse Coordinator if you have any further questions or wish to register to attend.


Dates for 2024
Zoom link
​Tuesday June 11th
​Register via email for zoom link
​Tuesday July 25th
​​Register via email for zoom link
​Tuesday August 20th 
​​Register via email for zoom link

Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase

Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua
2024 Theme - Looking Ahead: where have we been, and where are we going

Now Live:

  • Attendees - healthLearn registration attendance link


Within Health NZ Waitaha we are boosting the focus on supporting and promoting nursing research, to help spotlight the immense work that nurses undertake in this area.  This year begins with the inaugural Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase, where we are asking nurses to share the research that they have conducted or been a part of.   

Please note that while this is hosted by Health NZ Waitaha, this showcase is part of a wider collaboration between the Waitaha Nursing Research Alliance; a research group that represents many academic and health providers from the Waitaha region.  
General Information: 
Date and Time: 29th of July - 2nd August. Presentation sessions will be held between 1200-1300, Monday-Friday, across the Showcase week.  
On the evening of Friday 2nd August we are planning an in-person event at the Manawa Building. This would include a selection of presentations and will allow for the ability to network. 

Location: The Waitaha Nursing Research Showcase will be held at the Manawa Building and via Zoom.
The Manawa Building is located 276 Antigua Street, Christchurch Central, Christchurch.

Registrations to attend: Registrations open soon and are available via the dedicated healthLearn page. Individuals can register for either zoom attendance or in-person attendance at Manawa. 

We encourage all MDT, including clinical and non-clinical individuals to attend.  

The healthLearn platform will allow individuals who attend sessions to receive CPD. healthLearn is available to any individual with a healthLearn login. An individual can also create a login if their employer has a MOU with healthLearn. 

Session recording: We are recording each session. The daily sessions will then be published on the dedicated healthLearn site to allow access to the Showcase after the event for people who could not attend the live sessions.

More information: If you would like to be involved in the Nursing Research Showcase, please contact: 

Useful links

Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office:
The Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office is your first stop for any support when conducting research within Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Canterbury. This includes: ethics approval and locality authorisations, grant applications, budgets and research contracts. 

Note - you must follow the Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office processes when conducting research within Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. 


Website: Health New Zealand Canterbury Research Office

Te Whatu Ora Postgraduate Nursing Education:
For information on scholarships available via Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, visit this page.

Professional Development & Recognition Programme (PDRP):
If you require direction about developing your PDRP to support a scholarship or funding application, visit this page.

Te Wāhanaga Rangahau Tapuhi (Nursing Research Section, NZNO):
Te Wāhanga Rangahau Tapuhi is a professional section of the NZNO that aims to raise the profile of nursing research. If you would like to know more about their activities, or become involved, visit this page.

Contact Us

Nurse Manager
Jacinda King

Research Nurse Coordinator
Leah Hackney

Any queries or concerns, please contact:

Research Nurse Coordinator is located at:

Manawa Building
Level 5
276 Antigua Street
Christchurch​ 8011​

Page last reviewed: 09 July 2024