ABC Smoke Free Self Learning Programme

ABC Smoke Free Self Learning Programme

Welcome to the helping people to stop smoking e-learning course

This course, learnonline is for health practitioners, to learn how to deliver the ABC strategy for Smoking Cessation.  Non-clinical or non registered staff may also complete the assessment, however they may not be eligible to become a quit card provider.

The module takes only 30 minutes to complete, is user friendly and provides practical information about how health professionals can easily;

  • explain their role in helping people to stop smoking
  • identify the impact they can have on reducing smoking rates in New Zealand
  • proactively use ABC to identify people who smoke and motivate and re-motivate people to make quit attempts
  • know and use the options available to help people stop smoking

Quitcard Provider registration

If you are a registered health care professional, and do not have prescribing rights, then you can register to become a Quitcard provider. You have to complete the course as a pre-requisite.

Please have copies of the New Zealand Guideline to help people stop smoking and the Guide to Prescribing NRT

Successfully completing the assessment allows you to:

  • print a Certificate of Achievement
  • register as a Quitcard Provider (not compulsory)

Note: Pharmacists

Community Pharmacists should contact their District Health Board to find out if they are eligible to become Quit Card Providers. Regardless of eligibility Pharmacists can still complete the assessment.


The link to the ABC smokefree self learning package and for more information, log into healthlearn  





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Page last reviewed: 04 May 2017