Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is the use of treatments to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of patients with a physical, mental or developmental condition.
Older Person's Health
Find information about Older Person's Health Specialist Health Service, Healthy eating, Meals on Wheels and Older Person's Health Providers.
Older Person's Health Specialist Service
The Older Person's Health Specialist Service (OPHSS) consists of three specialist services: Assessment Treatment and Rehabilitation (inpatient) services, Community Services and Older Persons Mental Health
Also listed as OPHSS (CDHB Older Person's Health Specialist Service), Advance Care Planning
The Canterbury Regional Cancer and Haematology Service covers the needs of patients from the Canterbury District Health Board, Nelson/Marlborough, South Canterbury and the West Coast Districts.
Also listed as Canterbury Regional Cancer & Haematology Service (CRCHS), Cancer & Haematology Service, Haematology
Online learning with healthLearn
healthLearn is a learning managerment system for staff involved in health care organisations.
Also listed as healthLearn
Opening hours for Canterbury pharmacies
Information about pharmacies in Christchurch and Canterbury
Also listed as Pharmacies, Health service locator, Canterbury Community Pharmacy Group
OPHSS (CDHB Older Person's Health Specialist Service)
The Older Person's Health Specialist Service (OPHSS) consists of three specialist services: Assessment Treatment and Rehabilitation (inpatient) services, Community Services and Older Persons Mental Health
Also listed as Older Person's Health Specialist Service, Advance Care Planning
Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye.
Oral Health
The Dental Department provides specialist care in the areas of Special Needs Dentistry, Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics. The service also provides a relief of pain clinic and a full dental clearance clinic for low income adults.
Also listed as Dental Department, Dental Service (Hospital), Hospital Dental Service, Oral Medicine, Maxillofacial surgery
Oral Medicine
The Dental Department provides specialist care in the areas of Special Needs Dentistry, Pedodontics, Orthodontics and Prosthodontics. The service also provides a relief of pain clinic and a full dental clearance clinic for low income adults.
Also listed as Dental Department, Dental Service (Hospital), Hospital Dental Service, Maxillofacial surgery, Oral Health
Orthopaedic surgery is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.
Otolaryngology (ENT)
Otolaryngology ( Ear, Nose & Throat) involves the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, injuries or malformations of the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck.
Also listed as Audiology, ENT (Otolaryngology Outpatient Department)
Out of town accommodation
Useful information about your stay in our hospitals, what happens when you are admitted, what to bring with you and our approach to your care.
Also listed as Your stay in hospital, Arriving at the ward, Enquiries from relatives, Calls from relatives and friends, Interpreter services, Meals on Wheels and home help, Out of town accommodation , Smokefree, Meal times, Infection prevention
Community and Public Health (CPH) provides public health services to those people living in the Canterbury, South Canterbury and West Coast regions.
Also listed as Community & Public Health, Community and Public Health, Public Health, Health Officer, Canterbury Medical Officer of Health, Medical Officer of Health
Outlook staff email access
Canterbury DHB staff can access information and internal resources such as web based email from these pages. In an emergency we will provide any urgent messages or critical information for CDHB staff in these pages.
Also listed as Webmail & Staff Resources, Webmail for staff, Staff email access, CDHB staff email, IT issues and enquiries, HR issues and enquiries
Outpatient appointments
You may be required to attend a follow-up appointment in an outpatient clinic or other specialist clinics
Also listed as Outpatient interpreter services, Interpreter services for outpatients, Translater services for patients, Sign language assistance for patients
Outpatient interpreter services
You may be required to attend a follow-up appointment in an outpatient clinic or other specialist clinics
Also listed as Outpatient appointments, Interpreter services for outpatients, Translater services for patients, Sign language assistance for patients