The Rheumatology and Immunology Service provides inpatient, outpatient, day patient and inter-hospital consultative services for patients with rheumatic disease, primary immunodeficiency and serious allergy.
Also listed as Rheumatology and Immunology Service, Arthritis and Related Disorders (Rheumatology), Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease, Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis
Infection prevention
Useful information about your stay in our hospitals, what happens when you are admitted, what to bring with you and our approach to your care.
Also listed as Your stay in hospital, Arriving at the ward, Enquiries from relatives, Calls from relatives and friends, Interpreter services, Meals on Wheels and home help, Out of town accommodation , Smokefree, Meal times
Infection Prevention and Control
The Infection Prevention and Control Service is a patient focused service and a key resource providing expert guidance and support to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection.
Also listed as Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
The Infection Prevention and Control Service is a patient focused service and a key resource providing expert guidance and support to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection.
Also listed as Infection Prevention and Control
Infectious Diseases
The Infectious Diseases service offers both inpatient and outpatient services. The major areas covered by this service are HIV/AIDS, tropical medicine, advice on antibiotics and treatment of other infections involving any system.
Intellectually Disabled Persons Health
Inpatient and outpatient care is provided for people with an intellectual disability who have a mental illness and/or significant challenging behaviours.
Intensive Care
We provide a 24 bed Tertiary Intensive Care Unit for General Medicine, General Surgical, Neurosurgical, Cardiothoracic Surgical, Spinal Injury care and Paediatric patients.
International report encourages health systems to learn from Canterbury DHB
The Canterbury Health System has been internationally recognised for its collaboration and integration in a report by acclaimed British health authority The King’s Fund.
Also listed as Kings Fund
Interpreter services
Useful information about your stay in our hospitals, what happens when you are admitted, what to bring with you and our approach to your care.
Also listed as Your stay in hospital, Arriving at the ward, Enquiries from relatives, Calls from relatives and friends, Meals on Wheels and home help, Out of town accommodation , Smokefree, Meal times, Infection prevention
Interpreter services for outpatients
You may be required to attend a follow-up appointment in an outpatient clinic or other specialist clinics
Also listed as Outpatient appointments, Outpatient interpreter services, Translater services for patients, Sign language assistance for patients
IT issues and enquiries
Canterbury DHB staff can access information and internal resources such as web based email from these pages. In an emergency we will provide any urgent messages or critical information for CDHB staff in these pages.
Also listed as Webmail & Staff Resources, Webmail for staff, Staff email access, Outlook staff email access, CDHB staff email, HR issues and enquiries
It's All Happening
Over the next five years, Canterbury health facilities will undergo a $1 billion redevelopment withnew buildings at Burwood and Christchurch Hospitals, and Christchurch Outpatients.
Also listed as Facilities Development Project, Facilities Development Project