Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders.
General Practitioners (GPs)
Except in a medical emergency (when you should call 111), you should see your family doctor also known as your general practitioner or practice nurse at your local general practice about the primary health care of you and your family.
Also listed as Family Doctors (General Practitioners), Care around the clock, Primary Health Organisations, Christchurch Primary Health Organisation, Pegasus Health, Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation, After hours medical care for children under 13, Findadoctor
Glossary of health terms & acronyms
A glossary of terms and abbreviations used by Canterbury District Health Board​
Also listed as Jargon, Acronyns and Terminology
Going home
Information about being discharged from hospital, what happens with medications and follow-up outpatient appointments.
Also listed as Discharge from hospital, Medication to take home
The Board’s governance role entails strategic oversight of the management of CDHB to ensure it delivers on its fundamental objective of working within allocated resources.
Guide for the media
In the event of a trauma or an emergency, the media plays a vital role by providing the community with the latest news and public service announcements.
Also listed as Media guide and enquiries
Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB) provide many health services for women, a directory of women's health services including non CDHB women's health services can also be found in this section.
Also listed as Women's Health, Terminations of Pregnancy, Women's Health Provider Directory, Maternity Services, Birthing Locations and Postnatal Care
Gynaecology Services provides inpatient, day patient and outpatient treatment for women in the Canterbury region and tertiary services for the South Island.
Gynaecology Oncology
The Gynaecologic Oncology service based at Christchurch Women's Hospital is a tertiary referral centre. Women with all types and stages of gynaecologic cancer are referred for investigations and treatment.
Gynaecology Procedure Unit
The Gynae Procedure Unit provides first trimester termination of pregnancy (8-13 weeks) and assessment for second trimester pregnancy. The service is available to women in Canterbury and via referrals from South Canterbury and West Coast DHBs.
Also listed as Terminations of Pregnancy (Gynaecology Procedure Unit - previously Lyndhurst), Lyndhurst