Reduce the prevalence of smoking and smoking-related harm amongst Māori.
Tobacco smoking contributes to a number of preventable illnesses and long-term conditions, resulting in a large burden of disease. In addition to the high public cost of treating tobacco-related disease, tobacco and poverty are inextricably linked. In some communities, a sizeable portion of household income is spent on tobacco, resulting in less money being available for necessities such as nutrition, education and health. Tobacco control remains the foremost opportunity to rapidly reduce inequalities and improve Māori health.
Among actions to address this, the CDHB plans to support Auahi Kore (Smokefree) public places, such as schools, early childhood centres, Kohanga Reo and marae, explore ways to support Māori smokers to transition from hospital to community-based cessation programme and work with PHOs to develop resources and provide training for GP teams on documenting smoking status and providing cessation advice and support.
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Being smokefree