
Canterbury District Health Board is a large, complex organisation which funds and provides public health services to the people of Canterbury. Working here means you not only benefit from state-of-the-art technology, training rooms and theatres, but also a fantastic range of cafes, dining rooms and stunning outdoor areas for you to enjoy.

Our Employees

With approximately 8300 employees working within our 14 hospitals, facilities and corporate office, you're certain to fit into our diverse and interactive teams and you'll enjoy working for an organisation committed to providing the best health care possible to the people of Canterbury.

Our employees come from incredibly diverse backgrounds - with representation from around 50 different countries. They bring with them their passions and interests, and their backgrounds contribute to a rich culture at the Canterbury District Health Board. So, no matter where you come from, you'll feel right at home in Canterbury.

Our employees work a variety of shifts and rosters, from full-time to part-time, contract and casual. The work is challenging and varied in an environment that is strongly team orientated, and above all - highly supportive. Working with the Canterbury District Health Board will provide you with opportunities for career development and enhancement, and you'll gain extensive experience in a variety of settings.

Find out about the Canterbury District Health Board

Through our specialised orientation programme, and also through the intranet and internet, you can get to know Canterbury District Health Board as an organisation. We also produce a monthly staff newsletter and each facility has its own newsletters and other means of keeping staff up to date with what's going on.

  • See why Lonely Planet considers Christchurch to be one of New Zealand's most exciting cities.
  • For Career Opportunities, view our CDHB Careers Website for further information.  Or click on the job titles below.

Radiation Therapists 

The Radiation Oncology Department at the Christchurch Hospital employs a mix of permanent and fixed-term radiation therapists of all levels of experience.

It has 4 linear accelerators all with KV imaging and CBCT, HDR Brachytherapy, a dedicated GE CT scanner and XiO/Monaco treatment planning systems.

The department has a strong focus on quality improvement and research. We actively encourage multi-disciplinary team participation and professional development. The department is part of a comprehensive Oncology Service that includes a dedicated paediatric oncology programme.

You must be eligible for registration as a radiation therapist by the Medical Radiation Technologists Board of New Zealand. For further details go to MRT Board

If you're seeking to develop your career in a department committed to achieving the best clinical outcomes for it patients then consider Christchurch. For information about vacancies in the Radiation Therapy Department please contact:

Philippa Daly
Clinical Manager Radiation Therapy

If you're interested in becoming a Radiation Therapist, please contact:

Amy Koskela
Clinical Tutor

or visit

University of Otago


Oncology Nursing 

The Oncology Service, Christchurch Hospital employs nurses at all levels. Positions are full and part time including rostered shifts.

The service has an inpatient care ward, dedicated chemotherapy day ward and works collaboratively with the Medical Day Unit to administer biotherapy treatment and undertake other oncology procedures. Nurses are also employed in the radiation department.

There are a number of senior nurse positions to support registered nurses in the management of oncology patients through all areas of their journey. A full orientation programme is available for nurses working in the service.

For information about nursing vacancies in the Oncology Department please visit the CDHB Careers Website or contact the Charge Nurse Manager Outpatient Care or Charge Nurse Manager Inpatient Care by phoning +64 (0)3 364 0020.


The Oncology Service, Christchurch Hospital, incorporates the departments of Radiation and Medical Oncology. It is a busy service and we offer a full range of outpatient and inpatient services for the non-surgical management of cancer. There is close liaison with the Haematology Department where appropriate.

The service embodies a multidisciplinary team approach with close liaisons with diagnostic and support services and medical and surgical colleagues. The service consists of consultant Oncologists, a Palliative Care Physician, Oncology Registrar training positions and House Officers.

Visiting outpatient consultation services are provided to Timaru Hospital, Grey Hospital, Nelson Hospital, Blenheim and Ashburton.

For further information contact the:
Oncology Department
Ph: +64 (0)3 364 0020 and ask to speak to the Clinical Director of Radiation Oncology or the Clinical Director of Medical Oncology.


Medical Physicists

The Radiation Oncology service is supported by a dedicated team of medical physicists from the Medical Physics and Bioengineering Department. The radiation oncology medical physicists are embedded in the oncology department but can also call on diagnostic physicists and workshop support. To work as a medical physicist in the team you need to have ACPSEM certification or an overseas equivalent (eg IPEM, ABR, CCPM). There is an emphasis on systems thinking, communication and teamwork. Professional development through external courses and challenging work assignments is strongly supported. The Medical Physics & Bioengineering Department is ISO9001 certified. 

For further information contact:
Richard Dove
Clinical Manager Medical Physics & Bioengineering

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Page last reviewed: 09 January 2018