The Vision Hearing Service sits alongside the Public Health Nursing Service. It is staffed by eight qualified Vision Hearing Technicians (VHTs) and one Administrator.
This is a mobile vision and hearing screening service that is provided free to all children across the Canterbury DHB area and offered in Early Childhood Education Centres (ECEC) and schools.
The VHTs have a list of ECEC and schools allocated to each person. They regularly visit these sites and undertake routine screening of children and follow up on referrals and requests from parents/caregivers.
The first routine screening occurs at 4 years as part of the B4 School check. This includes a vision screen and an audiometry/hearing test and generally takes place at the child's Early Learning Centre. If a child misses the screen at 4 years they are followed up at school entry.
The next routine screen occurs at Year 7 (around 11 years of age). This includes a vision screen and a colour deficiency screen for boys and takes place at the schools.
Vision Hearing Service contact details:
Phone (03) 383 9498
Fax (03) 383 9494
School concerns can also be discussed with the Public Health Nurse who visits the school.